Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Most mornings I dread opening the newspaper. Often I don't open it at all. For me it does not contain news. I feel that I could read the entire issue from cover to cover and not learn anything really new. People are still fighting and killing and dying in a the same myriad of ways. Businesses are growing or declining depending on any number of circumstances. This year, at this time, political candidates are jostling for leadership roles so there are the usual promises that may or may not be fulfilled. Call me jaded. Or skeptical. I am, after all, a six on the Enneagram so it is my nature to be skeptical.

Not wanting to dwell in the cycle of suffering called 'news', I ponder what I am doing to make things different. Today, during my morning meditation, I recited a prayer. I recite this prayer daily but today it had special significance to me so I want to share it. I like it because it gives me a positive vision to hold. Holding this vision calms, invigorates, and emboldens my spirit. From that viewpoint, whatever I do will be better than it would be without it. That is a good thing.

At this very moment, for the peoples and the nations of the earth,
may not even the names disease, famine, war, and suffering be heard.
Rather may their moral conduct, merit, wealth, and prosperity increase
and may supreme good fortune and well-being always arise for them.
Written by his Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche

1 comment:

Deirdre said...

Oh, this is soothing and warm. Two posts in a row! Yay you!

I used to read the paper all the way through - loved it - but I find myself just skimming now and wonder if I'd miss the crosswords, comics, or local news if I let it go. Probably not that much. A prayer is most certainly a better choice.